Welcome to

Olive Pharmacy

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7719 Pacific Blvd.
Huntignton Park, CA 90255
Fax (323)277-8089



Open Hour (Pacific Time Zone)
Monday -Friday 9:30 AM- 6:30 PM
Saturday 9:30 AM- 3:30 PM
Sunday : Closed (Family day)


*Full service Pharmacy*

Our delivery technicians deliver or mail medicine, medical supplies and medical equipment around Los Angeles Area.
If you have a question about your insurance coverage of medicine, medical supplies or equipment,
please contact our technician by telephone, fax or E-mail.

* Same day delivery : Order before 11:00AM
* City-wide delivery if you call before 3:00PM
* Free delivery within 5 miles

* We service in English and Spanish.
* We accept most of major insurance
* Free measuring spoon or pill box : on take-out-medicine
* Next day delivery for Drop-order at nighttime through door-slit Telephone, Fax and E-mail order
*Web Site Coupons(print and present on order)
* Free drink if you wait more than 15 minutes on On-Site order
* MediCal/MediCare/Insurance Coverage (attached)
We will assist you in filing for reimbursement of rental fees.

Olive Pharmacy



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